Island Gratitude Part 2
September 24 2015 – Team Uberkate

September 24, 2015 0 Comments
There are some things you realize that you lose sight of until you remove yourself from the everyday.
Time… living in Sydney, running a business, being married to the love of my life and raising our beautiful children together, these things simply become the every day. Without the time to sit and ponder the amazing life that you are living we tend to just go through the motions and forget how amazing our experiences together actually are on an every day basis.
I always feel very philosophical when I travel.
And on this particular trip Mr Uber and I spent some time just (the whole day) sitting, talking, eating, and watching the surfers tackle amazing waves that they reach by taking a huge risk and firing themselves through a cave to get out to the safer part of the break at Secret Point Ceningan.