How to Make a Quartz Crystal Mirror

March 15 2017 – Kate Sutton

How to Make a Quartz Crystal Mirror
How to Make a Quartz Crystal Mirror

Have you ever wondered how to make a quartz crystal mirror and create an energy portal for your home?

Of course you have, haha, so let me show you how.

So I had this very plain very average white mirror I bought for less than $20. I hung it in my bathroom and everyday that I looked at it I felt... uninspired. It just really didn't do it for me.

I bought this box of quartz crystals from a trade show and it's been sitting in my garage waiting for the perfect project (aside from all the succulents we grow and add the crystals to).

While brushing my teeth in the mirror one morning a bolt of creativity struck me and I knew EXACTLY what those crystals were meant for and here's how you can make your own Crystal Mirror too.


1. Grab a mirror of any shape or size that floats your boat and has enough internal depth to glue heavy crystals to.

Note: There are lots of cheap amazing mirrors in op shops so take your time finding one that you love the shape and style of as the quartz makes this mirror quite an investment piece (and one you don't want to get sick of within a few weeks!)

2. You need chunks or clusters of small quartz crystals.

Note: To source your crystals - google 'buy raw quartz' and your location. Alternatively, contact your nearest Crystal shop and see if they have any or they can ship some to you. Try and negotiate yourself a deal as you are buying in bulk.

This mirror needed 30 pieces of quartz and cost $4 per piece. Because I bought so many I got them for $3 each so the total cost of crystals for this project was $90

3. You need strong glue. I used Araldite two part for strength although next time I plan on using my hot glue gun to see if that will hold. It's less messy and 10 times faster than the Araldite.


Do the gluing in four stages so you can glue to the curve and stand the mirror up so the glue doesn't slide.

Hang your mirror and gaze into your Uber reflection!

Just so you know - quartz crystal and crystal clusters used in the home bring harmony to the life force within the home. They are used for protection and healing and also remove "bad vibes & energy" from a space.

Double the win - it not only looks good in your home, it's GOOD for your home too.

Enjoy! K x

Crystal Mirror

If you are in the mood for Crystals - make sure you check out our Everyday Cocktail Collection. Our range of rings, pendants and earrings include a stunning line up of crystals and semi-precious gemstones.