May 01 2017 – Kate Sutton

I love planning them, I love orchestrating them and all in all I love creating them.
In the lead up to Mother's Day this year we decided to Uber-surprise one very special mum called Di (owner of Home on Darley).
But this surprise had a plot twist... because we all like a plot twist right?
When we started working with Di's divine daughter Katie (@katiewillly) to organise the surprise for her mum... we kinda fell for Katie too!
So we decided to take the surprise to the next level. We had both of them handwrite a message for each other to be engraved on a sterling silver cuff from our Expressions Range... but they both thought that they were the only one in on the surprise.
And then I got to do this!
Uberkate expressions surprise from uberkate on Vimeo.